Ayurveda Lifestyle Program

Elementally You

Lifestyle program for calm grounding, deep rest, and supportive nurturing

Finding Balance In The Chaos

What would you do if you had a whole year (or 6 months) to focus on your  health and well-being? How would you fill your time? What would you accomplish? Imagine yourself emerging 6 months later. Who would you be? How would you feel? What would you look like?

I am offering you an opportunity to do just that. I will guide you through a year-long (two segments of 6 months) transformational program.   You will be support by a wellness community of like-minded women. All want to become the next best version of themselves.

Not sure how you’d start or what you’d do? Read on.

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What is available to you over the program:

The group works together to transform and evolve. By shifting your identity, your perspective begins to widen in these ways:

  • Your understanding of self-care
  • Your relationship with deep, restorative sleep
  • Experience how balanced digestion is the foundation of vibrant health
  • Ease and comfort in just being yourself
  • Healthy lifestyle and habits of radiant wellness
  • Your toolbox to stay on track
  • Expanding your core strengths to lean on for the rest of your life
  • Learning Ayurveda’s “ease-full” menopause practices
  • Finding healthy weight and improving your body image
  • Your outlook on life and your purpose in the world

Your starting point and pace are  honored and met with an open heart. I will be here guiding you with a loving hand, encouraging words, and deep joy.

One year, 6 months at a time

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Deeply rooted in the Habits of Ayurveda & Yoga, the entire course unfolds over 6 months. The first 12 weeks of the program are about learning, experimenting, and “planting” the seeds of change.

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The next 12 weeks will guide you to go deeper into your individual journey of healing and wellness. Who do you want to become next? You are now LIVING the habits.

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When you move beyond the 6 months, you will strive to master the habits. You will experience substantial transformation and sustainable lifestyle shifts. You are BECOMING your next, best self.

Experiences the Journey Will Offer

Inner Circle Support: you’ll be in my inner circle of support. I deeply listen to you and support you.

More Free Time: we will work on your relationship with time. You’ll find yourself with more free time to have fun and live more fully.

Empowerment tools: you’ll learn to use different tools to navigate your life with more grace & ease.

Learn: learn to trust yourself and ask/find what you need to properly and fully support your unique needs.

Food: I’ll teach you about Ayurveda’s Food As Medicine approach to eating and nourishment.

Aligned Actions: get in sync with nature and your ecosystem. The first part of this is plant-based eating. It will evolve into being more aligned with the seasons, planetary energies, and shifts in your awareness.

Learn, stretch, grow, simplify, nourish, and sharpen.

Your Program Includes

6 Months (2 rounds 12-week rounds) of the Elementally You foundational habits online course & resources hub.

PDF workbook and support materials.

PDF of healthy, plant-based recipes and habit evolution tips.

Weekly emails and audio lessons on the 10 habits and deep self-care.

Weekly Group Coaching calls with me.

Monthly 1:1 Coaching gems with me.

Ongoing Community Support: Private On-Line forum.

Surprise bonuses and gifts along the way.

Being part of a growing and evolving community focused on helping each other succeed.

Let's do this!

Tresa Laferty, your guide and coach

Elementally You

Lifestyle program for optimal weight, calm mind, and sustainable energy